Using Storable 2.20.
Was initially using XMLin($serviceDef, ForceArray => 1, Cache =>
[ 'storable' ]), then got reminded of keyattr with an attribute called
name, (already aware of and using it elsewhere, this is just older
code), so switched to XMLin($serviceDef, ForceArray => 1, Cache =>
[ 'storable' ], keyattr => []).
It still wasn't working; I eventually realised it's because the file
hasn't changed, so it hadn't refreshed the cached version. I deleted
the .stor file, and it all came good.
I don't know if there's an easy workaround, perhaps storing the XMLin
config within the stor file, or if its worth the processor hit. I guess
it's probably only a developer issues really. Anyway I thought I ought
to raise the bug at least.