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This queue is for tickets about the Crypt-IDA CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 79505
Status: rejected
Worked: 3 min
Priority: 0/
Queue: Crypt-IDA

Owner: CENSORED [...]
Requestors: asma.bencheik [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: when ida_combine() calls ida_check_list()...
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 01:30:22 +0100
To: bug-Crypt-IDA [...]
From: Asma Ben Cheikh <asma.bencheik [...]>
Dear Sir, I have been working with the library Crypt::IDA for few months as part of a research project. I was able to call the 2 key methods (both of the split and the combine routines). However, a warning dispayed in the section of ida_combine execution to tell "share number 3 out of range in sharelist; ignoring. at" where I specified quorum parameter to be "$k=3".. I found that a validity check about the sharelist calls the ida_check_list() sub; the program checks whether each element of the a list belongs to a limited intervall. Well, in our case, I thing we should check if each element of the sharelist does not surpass $n (the shares parameter) and not $k (the quorum); because in such a case, we can have the share number i within the sharelist while $k is less than that i number. well, I changed the code in the module and it seems to work. P.S: I am asking for help in the description of the sub ida_process_streams(), Thank you. Sincerly, Yours. -- Asma Ben Cheikh
First off, sorry for taking so long to reply to this. I never got any email notifying me of a new bug... For what it's worth (you've probably moved on by now) I'm rejecting the bug report because when doing ida_combine we want to have no more than $k (the quorum value) shares. Presenting any more shares is superfluous, so I delete any extras in the ida_check_list routine.
Subject: Re: [ #79505] when ida_combine() calls ida_check_list()...
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 06:56:01 +0100
To: bug-Crypt-IDA [...]
From: Asma Ben Cheikh <asma.bencheik [...]>
Hi, It's true I have moved on, and I sincerely do not remember exactly what I have reported as bug.. Thank you for giving me time and attention to reply.. Good luck in further works :) (Bon Courage) Le 24 oct. 2013 à 04:16, Declan Malone via RT <> a écrit : Show quoted text
> <URL: > > > First off, sorry for taking so long to reply to this. I never got any email notifying me of a new bug... > For what it's worth (you've probably moved on by now) I'm rejecting the bug report because when doing ida_combine we want to have no more than $k (the quorum value) shares. Presenting any more shares is superfluous, so I delete any extras in the ida_check_list routine.