Subject: | invalid package name when the service name has spaces in the WSDL |
I started using SOAP-WSDL to use as a client for a SOAP webservice made
available at a Siebel CRM system.
To start, I used the wsdl2perl to generate the Perl code to access the
C:\temp\soap\soap-wsdl>wsdl2perl -b bug
Creating complexType class MyTypes/
Creating complexType class MyTypes/
Creating element class MyElements/
Creating element class MyElements/
Creating element class MyElements/
Creating element class MyElements/
Creating element class MyElements/
Creating element class MyElements/
Creating typemap class MyTypemaps/BISAO Health Care
Creating interface class MyInterfaces/BISAO Health Care
Multiple parts detected in message BISAO Health Care
WS-I BP demands 0 to 1 parts in message body
For me there are no errors in this output, but when I checked the
generated MyInterfaces directory, I found out that the package name
created was invalid to Perl:
package MyInterfaces::BISAO Health Care Professional::Query Contact;
I made some testing by editing the WSDL manually and removing the spaces
and I believe the issue happens because of the spaces in the service
description at the WSDL file:
<service name="BISAO Health Care Professional">
<port binding="tns:Query Contact_Binding" name="Query Contact">
Just for reference, I've been able to invoke this webservice by using
SOAP Lite application without any issue.
Also, I tried to use XML::Compile::SOAP to make a client, but the
distribution does not accept spaces in the namespaces URI.
I double checked the proposal made by W3C regarding URI's for XML
namespaces and looks like there is no defined pattern about the URI need
to be valid or not. It seems there is still some debate about that.
Anyway, I believe that SOAP-WSDL should generate an error message or at
least remove the spaces when creating the Perl packages names (or
replacing them with a underscore, for example). The latter solution
looks like the best.
I believe that SOAP-WSDL is the best thing CPAN has to offer nowadays
regarding SOAP support for Perl. Thanks for your code!
I would be glad to provide a patch but I'm not sure which is the correct
way to fix this bug since I'm not an expert in SOAP RFC. I attached the
WSDL file and the generated code from it.
Subject: | BISAO_Health_Care_Professional.wsdl |
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.
Subject: | bug.tar |
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.