Subject: | proxy setting of perl binding for Selenium2 did not work |
test file as following:
use lib "$ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT}/search/test/utl/selenium";
use strict;
use warnings;
use Selenium::Remote::Driver;
use Test::More tests=>4;
#my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new;
my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('proxy' => {'proxyType' =>
'manual', 'httpProxy' => ''});
$driver->find_element('q','name')->send_keys("Hello WebDriver!");
ok($driver->get_title =~ /Google/,"title matches google");
is($driver->get_title,'Google',"Title is google");
ok($driver->get_title eq 'Google','Title equals google');
like($driver->get_title,qr/Google/,"Title matches google");
The proxy setting by new Driver didn't work.
start selenium_server_standlone_2.25.0.jar
run the above perl test script, the test will start a local firefox, but
it was hanged by loading page , this was cause by that,
the proxy setting didn't work. if set the proxy by us manually, it will
work fine.
That's to say, the above proxy setting didn't work.
can anyone do me a favor?