Subject: | Problems settings/clearing options |
Hi BooK,
Thanks for your awesome WWW::Mailman module!
This may not be a bug at all, but I'm not sure how else to report/ask
these things. I've marked it as severity "wishlist".
When I do this:
$mm->admin( 'members/list' );
print $mm->robot->current_form->dump . "\n";
I get a list of subscriber email addresses and the settings which apply
to each of them (i.e. 'mod', 'hide', etc), e.g.:
me%40mydomain.com_mod=<UNDEF> (checkbox) [*<UNDEF>/off|off]
me%40mydomain.com_hide=<UNDEF> (checkbox) [*<UNDEF>/off|off]
That's all great, but if I want to change such settings as administrator
(i.e. *without* logging on as each subscriber (mine don't even have
passwords)), then I would have hoped I could do this:
$mm->admin( 'members/list', { 'me%40mydomain.com_mod' => 'on' } );
or maybe this:
$mm->admin( 'members/list', { 'me@mydomain.com_mod' => 'on' } );
but neither of the above seem to work, and I don't see any error message.
Q1. Can I use WWW::Mailman to set all individual subscriber settings
without logging on as each subscriber? How? Or am I going to have to
use WWW::Mechanize or LWP::UserAgent, etc?
Another problem is, if I run this:
$mm->admin( 'general' );
print $mm->robot->current_form->dump . "\n";
I get output which includes this 4 checkbox element:
new_member_options=<UNDEF> (checkbox) [*<UNDEF>/off|hide/Conceal
the member's address]
new_member_options=<UNDEF> (checkbox)
[*<UNDEF>/off|ack/Acknowledge the member's posting]
new_member_options=<UNDEF> (checkbox) [*<UNDEF>/off|notmetoo/Do
not send a copy of a member's own post]
new_member_options=nodupes (checkbox) [<UNDEF>/off|*nodupes/Filter
out duplicate messages to list members (if possible)]
To check a single box I think I do this:
$mm->admin( 'general', { 'new_member_options' => 'nodupes' } );
Q2. How can I check several boxes (do I need to run the "$mm->..."
command 4 times, once for each checkbox?
Q3. How can I *uncheck* a box (e.g. if I wan't to turn "nodups" off?
I'm running Perl v5.12.2, with WWW::Mailman 1.05 (I think) on Linux.