Subject: | Cannot specify a config file with Helios::Config |
Helios::Config in 2.50_2860 and above does not work if you do not have
the HELIOS_INI environment variable set and instead try to specify an
configuration file in a program.
For example:
use Data::Dumper;
use Helios::Config;
Helios::Config->init(CONF_FILE => '/etc/helios/helios.ini');
my $conf = Helios::Config->parseConfig();
print Dumper($conf),"\n";
should at least dump a hashref of the [global] params in
/etc/helios/helios.ini to the terminal, but it dies with:
No conf file specified at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Helios/ line 192.
though obviously a conf file *was* specified.
Interestingly, explicitly setting the conf file *without calling init()*
actually works:
use Data::Dumper;
use Helios::Config;
my $conf = Helios::Config->parseConfig();
print Dumper($conf),"\n";
So the problem is with the init() method.