Subject: | Possible dependency issue with XML::Stream? |
I have several RHEL5 boxes and used the perl-Net-XMPP RPM from EPEL. The
Net::XMPP module says:
$VERSION = "1.02";
I had troubles authenticating on the RHEL5 boxes but not on an Ubuntu
12.04 box. I turned on all the debug and the authenticate response said
something about 'invalid-authzid'.
I started checking all the versions of the dependent modules on both
boxes and the only difference I spotted was that XML::Stream was 1.22 on
the RHEL5 boxes while Ubuntu had 1.23. I updated to 1.23 for XML::Stream
and I could once again authenticated.
I'm not sure if this is a defect on the dependency version or if the RPM
just didn't have the most bugfixed recent version, but I thought I'd let
you know, just in case.
Have a nice day. :)