Subject: | SYNOPSIS doesn't print what it says it would print. |
First I would like to thank you for the module. Just a minor request
please fix the code in the SYNOPSIS as it doesn't do what it says. I
have slighlty modified it to fix it and here it goes:
package ZZZ; sub hello { print "Hello\n" }
package X; use base qw/ZZZ/;
package Y; use base qw/ZZZ/;
package Z; use base qw/ZZZ/;
package FooClass; use base qw/X Y Z/;
package main;
use MRO::Compat;
my $linear = mro::get_linear_isa('FooClass');
print join(q{, }, @$linear);
Many Thanks.
Best Regards,
Mohammad S Anwar