Install fails when Text::CSV_XS is used by Text::CSV.
This fails: cpanm Text::CSV::Slurp
This works: PERL_TEXT_CSV='Text::CSV_PP' cpanm Text::CSV::Slurp
Here is some of the build log for the failure. I'm not certain if this
is a ::Slurp issue or if it should have been reported in Text::CSV.
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
"test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/001_load.t .... ok
# Failed test 'Valid CSV doesn't error'
# at t/002_bad.t line 38.
# got: 'Can't locate object method "tell" via package
"IO::Handle" at lib/Text/CSV/ line 112.
# '
# expected: ''
# Failed test 'Valid CSV parsed'
# at t/002_bad.t line 39.
# Compared reftype($data)
# got : undef
# expect : 'ARRAY'
# Failed test 'Bad whitespace CSV returns an error'
# at t/002_bad.t line 47.
# 'Can't locate object method "tell" via package
"IO::Handle" at lib/Text/CSV/ line 112.
# '
# doesn't match '(?^:Loose unescaped quote)'
# Failed test 'Bad whitespace CSV doesn't error when allow_whitespace
option set'
# at t/002_bad.t line 56.
# got: 'Can't locate object method "tell" via package
"IO::Handle" at lib/Text/CSV/ line 112.
# '
# expected: ''
# Failed test 'Bad whitespace CSV parsed when allow_whitespace option set'
# at t/002_bad.t line 57.
# Compared reftype($data)
# got : undef
# expect : 'ARRAY'
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 8.
t/002_bad.t .....
Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
Failed 5/8 subtests
t/003_create.t .. ok
Test Summary Report
t/002_bad.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 8 Failed: 5)
Failed tests: 1-3, 5-6
Non-zero exit status: 5