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This queue is for tickets about the SQL-Translator CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 77776
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: SQL-Translator

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: johansyd [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 0.11011
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: postgresql functions like now() fails to translate into sqlite now in DEFAULT clause
postgresql functions like now() fails to translate into sqlite 'now' or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT clause. Instead. now() comes up as a syntax error by the parser in the CREATE TABLE statements. see: attachements.
package Novus::Schema::Cluster; =head1 NAME Novus::Schema::Group - Group object class =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut use strict; use warnings; use base 'DBIx::Class'; __PACKAGE__->load_components("InflateColumn::DateTime", "PK::Auto", "Core"); __PACKAGE__->table("cluster"); =head1 INTERFACE =head2 ACCESSORS All accessors can be called with a new value. Doing so will update the object, but it will not be persisted untill after you call update. =head3 id A running id for theese kinds of objects. Used in relationships with other objects =head3 words List of all words used to connect items, and how many times they have been used in this group. =cut __PACKAGE__->add_columns( "id" => { data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef, is_auto_increment => 0 }, "locked" => { data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 1, size => undef, default_value => undef }, "datecreated" => { data_type => "timestamp", is_nullable => 0, size => undef, default_value => 'now()'}, "words" => { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 0, size => undef, default_value => '' }, "datemodified" => { data_type => "timestamp", is_nullable => 0, size => undef , default_value => 'now()'}, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id"); =head2 RELATIONSHIPS __PACKAGE__->has_many('_feed_items' => 'Novus::Schema::FeedItem', { "foreign.item" => "" }); =head3 items Returns the middle object between group and item. =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many('items' => 'Novus::Schema::Item', { "foreign.cluster" => "" }, { cascade_delete => 0 } ); =head2 METHODS =head3 created Returns datecreated. Used to conform to the interface Novus::Xapian expects =cut sub created { return shift->datecreated; } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Thore Harald Hoye C<< <> >>

Message body is not shown because it is too large.

Subject: error_message.txt
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "(": syntax error [for Statement "CREATE TABLE cluster ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, locked INTEGER, datecreated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), words text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', datemodified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now() )"] at t/01.loading.t line 14 (running "CREATE TABLE cluster ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, locked INTEGER, datecreated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), words text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', datemodified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now() )") at t/01.loading.t line 14 DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "(": syntax error [for Statement "CREATE TABLE item ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, datecreated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), title varchar(255) NOT NULL, summary text, content text, atomid varchar(255), datemodified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), lastchecked timestamp, errorcount integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, expired boolean, nilsimsa char(64), sameid integer, link varchar(1024) NOT NULL, wap boolean, waplink text, cluster integer, ready_for_index boolean, time_zone char(5), image_url varchar(255), keywords text, FOREIGN KEY (cluster) REFERENCES cluster(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (sameid) REFERENCES item(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE )"] at t/01.loading.t line 14 (running "CREATE TABLE item ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, datecreated timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), title varchar(255) NOT NULL, summary text, content text, atomid varchar(255), datemodified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), lastchecked timestamp, errorcount integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, expired boolean, nilsimsa char(64), sameid integer, link varchar(1024) NOT NULL, wap boolean, waplink text, cluster integer, ready_for_index boolean, time_zone char(5), image_url varchar(255), keywords text, FOREIGN KEY (cluster) REFERENCES cluster(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (sameid) REFERENCES item(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE )") at t/01.loading.t line 14 DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.item [for Statement "CREATE INDEX item_idx_cluster ON item (cluster)"] at t/01.loading.t line 14 (running "CREATE INDEX item_idx_cluster ON item (cluster)") at t/01.loading.t line 14 DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.item [for Statement "CREATE INDEX item_idx_sameid ON item (sameid)"] at t/01.loading.t line 14