Subject: | from_object() converts December 31 (Gregorian) of every year incorrectly |
The 31st of December in the Gregorian calendar corresponds to the 73rd of the Aftermath in
the Discordian calendar.
However, when creating a DateTime object for December 31 of a given year, then using
DateTime::Calendar::Discordian->from_object() to convert it, the date returned is not Afm. 73
of the equivalent Discordian year; instead it is Chaos 73 of the following year.
This is DateTime-Calendar-Discordian-v0.9.7 running with Perl 5.12.4 on Gentoo Linux
("=dev-lang/perl-5.12.4-r1" in the Gentoo nomenclature).
I'm banging on the code in a GitHub fork, but I don't have a fix yet. If/when I do, I will follow up
here and there.
"Don't just eat a hamburger; eat the HELL out of it."
--J. R. "Bob" Dobbs