Subject: | can not read hash stored with save_file |
For a test program I store a hash with save_file and can not read this
file in the tested program. The / in front of the hash subkey is causing
problems. Writing the configfile manually ( <source /tmp/test/in> ) is
Following structure is causing problems
my %conf = (
level => 1,
source => { "/tmp/test/in" => {
target => "/out",
I write the hash out to file testhash:
my $conf_obj = new Config::General (
-DefaultConfig => \%Default,
-MergeDuplicateOptions => "no",
-AllowMultiOptions => "yes",
-LowerCaseNames => "yes",
-AutoTrue => "yes",
And try to load it in another hash
$conf_obj = new Config::General (
-DefaultConfig => \%Default,
-MergeDuplicateOptions => "no",
-ConfigFile => "testhash",
-AllowMultiOptions => "yes",
-LowerCaseNames => "yes",
-AutoTrue => "yes",
my %p = $conf_obj->getall();
which throws following error:
Config::General: EndBlock "<//tmp/test/in>" has no StartBlock statement
(level: 1, chunk 4)!
at config-general line 22
at /home/perlcomp/perl5/lib/perl5/Config/ line 828
This is the created config file testhash:
target /out
level 1
perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8)
Distribution Config-General-2.50
some problem on Ubuntu Linux