Subject: | Patch to make plugin run under Windows |
Some of the supplied plugins (and maybe notifiers?) presuppose a Unix
environment, although these do not show up in the tests. (Maybe not so
easy to do.) If you’re interested, please find enclosed a modified
version of which does run under Windows. I have taken care
for it to be a drop-in replacement in the sense that it should run
unchanged under Unices, but I have not tested this. (Note that I have
slightly re-vamped the code in the process.)
I have called this, only to prevent file name clashes.
Not having access to a Unix box here, I am only unsure what kind of
memory is being reported by vmstat: physical, or all that is (virtually)
available? will, under Windows, report physical memory,
but this can easily be changed if needed.
Subject: | |
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2012 Gisbert W. Selke <>
# Modelled after
# Copyright (C) 2000 Dan Larsson <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program (or with Nagios); if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
# Tell Perl what we need to use
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
BEGIN { eval('require Win32::SystemInfo') if ($^O =~ /Win/i); }
my $PROGNAME = '';
my $VERSION = '1.1';
my ($check_free, $check_used, $level_warn, $level_crit, $verbose);
# Predefined exit codes for Nagios
my %exit_codes = ('UNKNOWN' => -1,
'OK' => 0,
'WARNING' => 1,
'CRITICAL' => 2,
# Get the options
GetOptions('critical|c=f' => \$level_crit,
'warning|w=f' => \$level_warn,
'free|f!' => \$check_free,
'used|u!' => \$check_used,
'verbose|v!' => \$verbose,
my $opt_count = 0;
$opt_count++ if $check_free;
$opt_count++ if $check_used;
if ($opt_count != 1) {
print '*** You must select to monitor either USED or FREE memory!' if $verbose;
# Check the levels
if (($level_warn <= 0) || ($level_crit <= 0)) {
print '*** You must define positive WARN and CRITICAL levels!' if $verbose;
# Check if levels are sane
if ($check_free && ($level_warn <= $level_crit)) {
print '*** WARN level must not be less than or equal to CRITICAL when checking FREE memory!' if $verbose;
if ($check_used && ($level_warn >= $level_crit)) {
print '*** WARN level must not be greater than or equal to CRITICAL when checking USED memory or PROCESSOR load!' if $verbose;
my($memory, $percent);
if ($^O !~ /Win/i) {
# This the unix command string that brings Perl the data
my $command_line = `vmstat | tail -1`;
if (!$command_line) {
print "*** System command vmstat not found or yielded no result!";
exit $exit_codes{'UNKNOWN'};
my @memlist = split(/\s+/, $command_line);
my $total_memory = $memlist[3] + $memlist[4];
$memory = $memlist[$check_used ? 3 : 4];
$percent = $memory/$total_memory * 100;
} else {
my %info;
my $total_memory = $info{'TotalPhys'}; # Or TotalVirtual??
$percent = $check_used ? $info{'MemLoad'} : (100 - $info{'MemLoad'});
$memory = sprintf '%d', $total_memory*$percent*0.01;
my $state = 'OK';
if ($check_used) {
$state = 'WARNING' if ($percent >= $level_warn);
$state = 'CRITICAL' if ($percent >= $level_crit);
} else {
$state = 'WARNING' if ($percent <= $level_warn);
$state = 'CRITICAL' if ($percent <= $level_crit);
printf "Memory %s - %1.1f%% (%d kB) %s\n", $state, $percent, $memory, ($check_used ? 'used' : 'free');
exit $exit_codes{$state};
# Show usage
sub usage {
print "\n$PROGNAME $VERSION - Nagios Plugin\n\n";
print "usage:\n";
print " $PROGNAME -<f|u> -w <warnlevel> -c <critlevel> [-v]\n\n";
print "options:\n";
print " --free Check FREE memory\n";
print " --used Check USED memory\n";
print " --warning PERCENT Percent free/used/load when to warn\n";
print " --critical PERCENT Percent free/used/load when critical\n";
print " --verbose Show verbose error messages\n";
print "All options may be abbreviated.\n";
print "\nCopyright (C) 2012 Dan Larsson <dl\> / Gisbert W. Selke <gws\\n";
print "$PROGNAME comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY either implied or explicit\n";
print "This program is licensed under the terms of the\n";
print "GNU General Public License (check source code for details)\n";
exit $exit_codes{'UNKNOWN'};