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This queue is for tickets about the MooseX-Role-AttributeOverride CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 76978
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: MooseX-Role-AttributeOverride

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: RWSTAUNER [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: 0.0.9
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: method unmodified when consuming a role that consumes a role with a method modifier
I'm using this module to create a role that calls 'requires' and 'around' for a method. When this role is consumed by a class that defines the desired method it gets modified as expected. When this role is consumed by another role (that defines the desired method) and that role is consumed by a class the class gets the *unmodified* method. I have no idea what's happening, but was able to create a minimal test case (attached).
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 0.88; { package FooMod; # works with Moose::Role, but not with this: use MooseX::Role::AttributeOverride; requires 'foo'; around foo => sub { shift->() . 'bar' }; } { package FooBase; # works with either one: use Moose::Role; #use MooseX::Role::AttributeOverride; with 'FooMod'; sub foo { 'foo' } } { package OneRole; use Moose; with 'FooMod'; sub foo { 'one' } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; } { package TwoRoles; use Moose; with 'FooBase'; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; } is(OneRole->new->foo(), 'onebar', 'class with role'); is(TwoRoles->new->foo(), 'foobar', 'class with role with role'); done_testing;