I am trying to build Test::File in MsWin, but the test links.t is
The failure is due to "You tried to plan twice at t\links.t line 8.",
which is the same reported by CPAN testers.
This is because you are calling "plan" twice on MsWin. The first time
you call it implicitly when you do:
use Test::More tests => 37;
The second time you call:
plan skip_all => "This system doesn't do symlinks";
A fix to this would be starting test.t in the following way:
use strict;
use Test::Builder::Tester;
use Test::More;
use Test::File;
my $can_symlink = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
if ( $can_symlink )
plan tests => 37;
plan skip_all => "This system doesn't do symlinks";