Subject: | Hard-coded paths to system commands specified in App::PipeFilter::JsonSort |
The package App::PipeFilter::JsonSort contains a hard-coded reference to
the system sort command, "/usr/bin/sort" (line 42)
This doesn't match up with the actual path for my system and causes the
following error when run:
sh: /usr/bin/sort: No such file or directory
This is also true for the cut command a few lines later "/usr/bin/cut"
(line 46).
Please can these be changed to use the the commands as found in the
system PATH; so changing it to "/usr/bin/env sort" or just "sort" and
"/usr/bin/env cut" or "cut"?
Additionally, if these commands could be made configurable via a couple
of additional attributes, for example:
has sort_cmd => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'sort' );
has cut_cmd => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'cut' );