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This queue is for tickets about the Finance-InteractiveBrokers-SWIG CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 76806
Status: resolved
Worked: 20 min
Priority: 0/
Queue: Finance-InteractiveBrokers-SWIG

Owner: INFIDEL [...]
Requestors: rod.taylor [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 0.05
Fixed in: 0.06

Subject: Unusual Events received
Call dispatch for 14:19 failed with: SK::Trade::Brokerage::InteractiveBrokersEvents received invalid event 19( ) at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4/Finance/InteractiveBrokers/SWIG/ line 145 Call dispatch for 14:28 failed with: SK::Trade::Brokerage::InteractiveBrokersEvents received invalid event 28( ) at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4/Finance/InteractiveBrokers/SWIG/ line 145 This seems to be the current time (14:19 and 14:28 on the 24 hour clock) and is related to the reqAccountUpdates(1, q{}) call I perform. Commenting out that confess line to suppress the error doesn't seem to impact.
Hi Rod, thanks for the bug report. For this one, could you try the modified version of I have attached to this message, and send me as much of the output and stack trace as you can? If you'd prefer to keep the stack trace private and out of this ticket system, you can email me at the address listed on my main page.
package Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler; # # Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG - Event handler base class # # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Jason McManus # # Full POD documentation after __END__ # use Carp qw( croak confess ); use Data::Dumper; use strict; use warnings; # Ours use Finance::InteractiveBrokers::API; use Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::IBAPI; ### ### Variabless ### use vars qw( $VERSION $TRUE $FALSE $KEEP $DELETE $REQUIRED $AUTOLOAD ); BEGIN { $VERSION = '0.05_01'; } *TRUE = \1; *FALSE = \0; *KEEP = \0; *DELETE = \1; *REQUIRED = \2; our $API_VERSION = Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::IBAPI::api_version(); our %our_args = ( ); ### ### Constructor ### sub new { my( $class, @args ) = @_; croak( "$class is an abstract base class and must be subclassed" ) if( $class eq 'Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler' ); croak( "$class requires an even number of params" ) if( @args & 1 ); my $self = { api_version => $API_VERSION, # Compiled IB API version api => undef, # F::IB::API object }; bless( $self, $class ); my @leftover = $self->initialize( @args ); # Set up an API object so we can look up what's callable $self->{api} = Finance::InteractiveBrokers::API->new( version => $self->api_version() ); # Sneakily predeclare the IB API methods so they're callable my @EVENTS = $self->_api->events(); eval 'use subs ( @EVENTS );'; # TODO: Check $@ here return( $self ); } # When subclassing, override this (if desired), not new() sub initialize { my( $self, %args ) = @_; # Cycle through the args, grab what's for us, and delete if appropriate for( keys( %args ) ) { if( exists( $our_args{lc $_} ) ) { $self->{lc $_} = $args{$_}; delete( $args{$_} ) if( $our_args{lc $_} & $DELETE ); } } # Check all required args for( keys( %our_args ) ) { if( $our_args{$_} & $REQUIRED ) { confess( "$_ is a required argument" ) if( ( not exists $self->{lc $_} ) or ( not defined $self->{lc $_} ) ); } } return( %args ); } # Manually define DESTROY sub so it's not handled by AUTOLOAD sub DESTROY {} ### ### Class methods ### # List of event handler methods that must be overridden sub override { my $version = $API_VERSION; # Try to get the event list my @events = eval { Finance::InteractiveBrokers::API->new( version => $version )->events(); }; # Version was valid, show the events if( -t STDIN and -t STDOUT ) { print "Methods required to be overridden for API version $version:\n"; print " $_\n" for( @events ); } return( @events ) unless( -t STDIN and -t STDOUT ); return; } ### ### Methods ### # AUTOLOAD hax to cover all subs in the correct API version sub AUTOLOAD { use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( $AUTOLOAD, \@_ ); my $self = shift; my( $event ) = $AUTOLOAD =~ m/.*?:?(\w*)$/; if( $self->_api->is_event( $event ) ) { confess( __PACKAGE__ . "::$event method must be overridden\n " ); } else { confess( ref( $self ) . " received invalid event $event( @_ )" ); } } ### ### Accessors ### # XXX: DON'T redirect this to query the API object sub api_version { my $self = shift; return( $self->{api_version} ); } sub _api { my $self = shift; return( $self->{api} ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler - Event Handler base class =head1 SYNOPSIS Create a subclass of this class: package MyEventHandler; use base qw( Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler ); use strict; use warnings; my $handler = MyEventHandler->new(); sub currentTime { # Do something with received time } # ... Then, pass your C<$handler> object into L<Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG/"new()">. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is designed as a base class for catching the events that the InteractiveBrokers API returns. It is required to be subclassed with the event handler methods filled in, to trap the returned events so you can do something with them (e.g. save into a database, analyze, etc). An object of your subclass should be instantiated, and passed in as an argument to L<Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG/"new">. There is a well-commented example subclass in the F<examples/> directory of this module's distribution, on which you must base your subclass. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 new() my $handler = MyEventHandler->new(); B<ARGUMENTS:> None. B<RETURNS:> blessed C<$object>, or C<undef> on failure. =head2 initialize() my %leftover = $self->initialize( %ARGS ); Initialize the object. When subclassing, override this (if desired), not L</new()>. B<ARGUMENTS:> C<%HASH> of arguments passed into L</new()> B<RETURNS:> C<%HASH> of any leftover arguments. =head1 METHODS =head2 override() my @api_methods = $handler->override(); or my @api_methods = Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler::override(); Get a list of IB API events that you I<MUST> override in your subclass. These correspond 1:1 to events in the IB API, but they are dynamically dispatched, so you will not find C<sub> definitions in the source. B<ARGUMENTS:> None. B<RETURNS:> C<@ARRAY> of IB API events that must be overridden. B<NOTE:> You can also get a list of them from the command line, via: perl -MFinance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler -e'print Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG::EventHandler::override' =head2 api_version() my $version = $handler->api_version(); Get the IB API version this module was compiled against. B<RETURNS:> C<$scalar> containing the version as a string, something like '9.64'. =head1 THE INTERACTIVE BROKERS API The IB API is not described in this documentation. You should refer to their website (L</"SEE ALSO">) for notes on how to use it and what methods and events are available. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG> L<Alien::InteractiveBrokers> L<POE::Component::Client::InteractiveBrokers> L<Finance::InteractiveBrokers::API> L<Finance::InteractiveBrokers::Java> L<> - SWIG, the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator The L<POE> documentation, L<POE::Kernel>, L<POE::Session> L<> - All about the Perl Object Environment (POE) L<> - The InteractiveBrokers website L<> - The IB API documentation The F<examples/> directory of this module's distribution =head1 AUTHORS Jason McManus, C<< <infidel at> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-finance-interactivebrokers-swig at>, or through the web interface at L<>. The authors will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as changes are made. If you are sending a bug report, please include: =over 4 =item * Your OS type, version, Perl version, and other similar information. =item * The version of Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG you are using. =item * The version of the InteractiveBrokers API you are using. =item * If possible, a minimal test script which demonstrates your problem. =back This will be of great assistance in troubleshooting your issue. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Finance::InteractiveBrokers::SWIG You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Jason McManus This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. The authors are not associated with InteractiveBrokers, and as such, take no responsibility or provide no warranty for your use of this module or the InteractiveBrokers service. You do so at your own responsibility. No warranty for any purpose is either expressed or implied by your use of this module suite. The data from InteractiveBrokers are under an entirely separate license that varies according to exchange rules, etc. It is your responsibility to follow the InteractiveBrokers and exchange license agreements with the data. =cut # END
Subject: Re: [ #76806] Unusual Events received
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 09:44:48 -0400
To: bug-Finance-InteractiveBrokers-SWIG [...]
From: Rod Taylor <rod.taylor [...]>
Attached is the output. Some of the lines seem to be inter-mixed at the bottom (exception in with the Data::Dumper output). On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 20:11, Jason McManus via RT <> wrote: Show quoted text
> <URL: > > > Hi Rod, thanks for the bug report. > > For this one, could you try the modified version of > I have attached to > this message, and send me as much of the output and stack trace as you can? > > If you'd prefer to keep the stack trace private and out of this ticket > system, you can email me at the address listed on my main > page.
Download bug.log
application/octet-stream 93.9k

Message body not shown because it is not plain text.

On Thu Apr 26 09:45:08 2012, rtaylor wrote: Show quoted text
> Attached is the output. Some of the lines seem to be inter-mixed at > the bottom (exception in with the Data::Dumper output).
Thanks for that. Think I've got it sorted, was a silly mistake. I've attached a new module version. It also contains your other typedef long OrderId; patch. Can you tell me if this fixes the error upon receiving that event?
Subject: Finance-InteractiveBrokers-SWIG-0.05_01.tar.gz

Message body not shown because it is not plain text.

Subject: Re: [ #76806] Unusual Events received
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 11:41:46 -0400
To: bug-Finance-InteractiveBrokers-SWIG [...]
From: Rod Taylor <rod.taylor [...]>
Show quoted text
> Can you tell me if this fixes the error upon receiving that event?
I no longer see that error. Thanks.