Subject: | Make Test Fails |
While trying to update Mime::Base64 I received the following:
Running Mkbootstrap for MIME::Base64 ()
chmod 644
rm -f blib/arch/auto/MIME/Base64/Base64.bundle
LD_RUN_PATH="" env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc -Dman3ext=3pm -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib Base64.o -o blib/arch/auto/MIME/Base64/Base64.bundle
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/MIME/Base64/Base64.bundle
cp blib/arch/auto/MIME/Base64/
chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/MIME/Base64/
cp decode-qp blib/script/decode-qp
/usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/decode-qp
cp encode-qp blib/script/encode-qp
/usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/encode-qp
cp decode-base64 blib/script/decode-base64
/usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/decode-base64
cp encode-base64 blib/script/encode-base64
/usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/encode-base64
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/bad-sv..........NOK 5# Test 5 got: "abc=00=\n" (t/bad-sv.t at line 37)
# Expected: "abc=00"
# t/bad-sv.t line 37 is: ok(encode_qp($a), "abc=00");
t/bad-sv..........NOK 6# Test 6 got: "ab=\n" (t/bad-sv.t at line 42)
# Expected: "ab"
# t/bad-sv.t line 42 is: ok(encode_qp($a), "ab");
t/bad-sv..........FAILED tests 5-6
Failed 2/6 tests, 66.67% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/bad-sv.t 6 2 33.33% 5-6
Failed 1/5 test scripts, 80.00% okay. 2/345 subtests failed, 99.42% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
I have perl 5.8.5 installed on Mac OS X 10.3.5. The normal perl install went well with no problems. In running CPAN ( r ) I found that Mime::Base64 3.01 was out of date so I tried to update it to Mime::Base64 3.04 when I ran into the error during make test.