Subject: | Support of Named Ranges |
LibreOffice Calc has a feature, that allows to declare a name for a
range. It would be great, if one could access those ranges via.
The reason would be, that you don't have to use fixed cell addresses
any more. Using fixed cell addresses can break easily, because cells
can be selected and moved around. Ranges on the other hand, update
themselves to match the position, where the cells are moved to.
Another usage would be to declare special ranges for your perl module,
so that you can update the information, where certain data is stored
in the spreadsheet, in Calc itself. No need to edit your perl module
any more.
The elements tag is 'table:database-range', it has an attribute 'name'
for the name of the range and an attribute 'target-range-address'
containing the address of the range.
The behaviour would be similar to a sheet i guess.
Would it be possible to implement such a feature?