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This queue is for tickets about the XML-XPath CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 7530
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: XML-XPath

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: ianfore [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 1.13
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: namespace::* doesn't find all namespaces in scope
Distribution: XML-XPath-1.13 Perl version: perl, v5.8.0 built for ppc-linux-thread-multi Linux mynode 2.4.22-2f #1 Sun Nov 9 16:49:49 EST 2003 ppc ppc ppc GNU/Linux When the following code is run the only namespace that is listed is ns4 "uri:namespace4" The XPath namespace::* should return all namespaces that are in scope. The ns4 namespace is declared in the element at /AAA/DDD/BBB. However, the namespaces ns1 and ns3 are in scope and should also be returned by namespace::*. Note that ns2 is not in scope and should not be returned. The expected behavior is as described in section 5.4 of the XPath 1.0 recommendation at Code to illustrate the problem use XML::XPath; my $xp = XML::XPath->new( ioref => *DATA); my @nodes = $xp->findnodes('/AAA/DDD/BBB'); foreach $node (@nodes) { print $node->getName . "\n"; my @nsps = $xp->findnodes('namespace::*', $node); foreach $nsp (@nsps) { print "\tnamespace: " .$nsp->getPrefix . " is " . $nsp->getExpanded . "\n"; } } __DATA__ <AAA xmlns:ns1="uri:namespace1"> <BBB/> <CCC xmlns:ns2="uri:namespace2"/> <BBB/> <CCC/> <BBB/> <!-- comment --> <DDD xmlns:ns3="uri:namespace3"> <BBB xmlns:ns4="uri:namespace4"/> Text <BBB/> </DDD> <CCC/> </AAA>