Does it help when I run the failing script through the debugger, turn diagnostics on and step t the first error? What else might help? Here would be the result. Please let me know whether I can provide more datapoints.
main::(t/008integerize.t:124): bag( @{f1($Aexpect)} ),
# integerized constrained:
# got
# [-200,-56799999999999900]
# [0,-567888888888888800]
# [0,567777777777777700]
# expected
# [-2000,-567999999999999000]
# [0,-567888888888888000]
# [0,567777777777777000]
main::(t/008integerize.t:125): 'lose smallest digits when integerized constrained'
main::(t/008integerize.t:126): );
main::(t/008integerize.t:123): f1($Ac),
not ok 4 - lose smallest digits when integerized constrained
Thanks && Regards,