Subject: | Charset header |
Date: | Thu, 2 Feb 2012 14:00:44 +0200 |
To: | bug-Email-Send-SMTP-Gmail [...] |
From: | Furist Vyacheslav <siaffa [...]> |
I faced with problem, when I'm sending emails in local charset (in my case
- in Russian).
Email-Send-SMTP-Gmail creates email header without specification of Charset.
Such as:
$self->{sender}->datasend("Content-Type: text/plain\n");
But different email agents (MUA) have different default setting from
Charset. End if we don't specify Charset some agents can't recognize
charset and displays test incorrectly.
I think it would be nice, if you add additional optional attribute to
method send() which allow to specify charset
Something like that:
-body=>'Just testing it');
////// When preparing header:
$self->{sender}->datasend("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=".
$mail->{charset} . "\n");
Thank you very much for very useful and simply library!
I hope that this small improvement will do the library better.