Subject: | Test suite will not run |
Please fix your test, otherwise ppl have to install your module manually
(force) rather than with perl -MCPAN!
Jim Turner
[root@dispatch JSON-Parse-0.07]# make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
"test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/JSON-Parse.....You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a
plan. at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Test/ line 263
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/JSON-Parse.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ??
Failed 1/2 test scripts, 50.00% okay. 0/3 subtests failed, 100.00% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255