Subject: | "+" (plus character) replaced with " " (space character) |
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a script from man example (attached).
2. Open this script via Web and try to input a value with a plus
character ("+"): "2+2" for example.
Expected result:
"2+2 was the input!" is displayed.
Actual result:
"2 2 was the input!" is displayed.
Subject: | |
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Ajax;
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax( 'exported_func' => \&perl_func );
print $pjx->build_html( $cgi, \&Show_HTML);
sub perl_func {
my $input = shift;
# do something with $input
my $output = $input . " was the input!";
return( $output );
sub Show_HTML {
my $html = <<EOHTML;
Enter something:
<input type="text" name="val1" id="val1"
onkeyup="exported_func( ['val1'], ['resultdiv'] );">
<div id="resultdiv"></div>
return $html;