Welcome to the CPAN!
I'm sorry I will be a bit rude...
Your new distribution AsPerl-0.01:
1. has no documentation: look at https://metacpan.org/module/ASPerl
2. has a backup file: lib/ASPerl.pm~
3. has a file TEST.txt which seems to be the result of t/ASPerl.t but
should not be packaged in your distribution
4. has no abstract (the abstract is usually extracted from the POD, but
your module hasn't)
5. uses a top-level namespace. Are you sure your module does not fit one
existing namespace?
We have now http://prepan.org/ that would be a good place to ask advices
about your modules before publishing them on the CPAN.
Olivier Mengué - http://perlresume.org/DOLMEN