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This queue is for tickets about the Text-WikiCreole CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 72892
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Text-WikiCreole

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: djh [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
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Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: extra functions for Text::WikiCreole
I've written a few extra functions for the module, which for the moment I've put into separate modules that I've called Text::WikiCreole::Table and Text::WikiCreole::Extra. I'd like to discuss the best way to publish the functions to CPAN, but in the meantime I thought I'd upload them here in case they are of any use.
package Text::WikiCreole::Table; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME Text::WikiCreole::Table - extract Creole tables to CSV files and vice-versa =cut our $VERSION = '1.00'; # 2011-11-23 djh 1.00 Created #======================================================================= =head1 DESCRIPTION This module has methods for converting tables expressed in wiki Creole syntax, to equivalent tables expressed in CSV syntax. It uses Text::CSV for CSV manipulation. =cut use Text::CSV; #======================================================================= =head1 METHODS =head2 creole_page_to_csv $csv_list = Text::WikiCreole::Table->creole_page_to_csv($creole_text); Reads Creole text supplied as an argument and returns a reference to a list of the tables found in the text, formatted as CSV. Each CSV table in the list is a single string. =cut sub creole_page_to_csv { my ($self, $text) = @_; my @lines = split /\n/, $text; my @csv; # results my $collecting_table = 0; my @table; for my $line (@lines) { if ($collecting_table) { if ($line =~ /^\s*\|/) { push @table, $line; } else # last line of table { push @csv, creole_table_to_csv(\@table); $collecting_table = 0; } } else { if ($line =~ /^\s*\|/) # first line of table { @table = ( $line ); $collecting_table = 1; } } } return @csv ? \@csv : undef; } #======================================================================= =head2 parse_creole_table Convert a table expressed in Creole wiki markup to CSV format. $csv_text = creole_table_to_csv(\@table); The argument is a reference to an array of lines of Creole wikitext, which must represent a table. The function returns a text string which contains the same table in CSV format. =cut sub creole_table_to_csv { my ($creole_lines) = @_; my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1 }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); my $csv_text = ''; for my $line (@$creole_lines) { my @columns; my @headers; while ($line =~ /\s*(\|=?)(.*?)(?=\|)/g) { my $h = $1; my $cell = $2; push @headers, ($h eq '|=' ? 1 : 0); push @columns, $cell; } $csv->combine(@columns) or die "Cannot change '$line' to CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();; $csv_text .= $csv->string . "\n"; } return $csv_text; } #======================================================================= 1; # vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0:
package Text::WikiCreole::Extra; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME Text::WikiCreole::Extra - Additional functionality for Creole pages =cut our $VERSION = '1.01'; # 2011-11-23 djh 1.00 Created # 2011-12-01 djh 1.01 Added Exporter #======================================================================= =head1 SYNOPSIS require Text::WikiCreole::Extra; # or use instead of require ... $toc = Text::WikiCreole::Extra::creole_toc($content, $options); or use Text::WikiCreole::Extra qw(creole_toc); ... $toc = creole_toc($content, $options); =head1 DESCRIPTION Text::WikiCreole::Extra implements some additional functions for use when processing Creole 1.0 wiki markup with L<Text::WikiCreole>. The functions can generate a table of contents for a wiki page, or scan the image files that appear on a page. For compatibility with the style of L<Text::WikiCreole> these are functions rather than methods. It is possible to export each of the function names, but by contrast with L<Text::WikiCreole> the names are not exported by default. =cut use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(creole_toc creole_toc_scan toc_format creole_get_image_references); #======================================================================= =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 creole_toc Create an HTML table of contents for a Creole page. $html = creole_toc($content, $options); Takes as arguments a C<$content> string representing a Creole page and a hash reference of C<$options> to format the table of contents. This function is a simple wrapper around creole_toc_scan() and toc_format(). See their documentation for further details of the arguments. =cut sub creole_toc { my ($content, $options) = @_; return toc_format(creole_toc_scan($content), $options); } #======================================================================= =head2 creole_toc_scan Produce an array summarising the section headings in a Creole page. $toc = creole_toc_scan($creole_text_string); The returned value is a reference to a list of pairs. Each pair is a reference to a two-element list; the first element in the list is the I<level> of a heading, and the second element is the text of that heading. The heading I<level> is a small number, representing the number of C<=> characters in front of the heading text. The headings are listed in document order. =cut sub creole_toc_scan { my ($content) = @_; my @content = split "\n", $content; my @toc; for my $line (@content) { my ($left, $text, $right) = $line =~ /^\s*(=+)\s*(.+?)\s*(=+)\s*$/; next unless $right; warn "Mismatched equals at '$line' left='$left' right='$right'\n" if $left ne $right; my $level = length $left; push @toc, [$level, $text]; } return \@toc; } #======================================================================= =head2 toc_format Format an HTML table of contents, given a list of section headings. $html = toc_format($toc, $options); This function takes a reference to a list of section headings, as produced by creole_toc_scan(), and produces a formatted HTML representation of the list. The output is influenced by various options, which are the elements of the hash referenced as an argument: =over 4 =item levels The level-number of the least important heading to include in the table of contents. The default is 3. (i.e. I<=== A third-level heading ===>) =item title The text to appear as the title of the table of contents. The default is I<'Table of Contents'>. =back The output is not an HTML table, but is a sequence of C<div> elements. <div id="toctitle">your title here</div> <div class="tocbox"> &nbsp;<div class="tocline"><a href="#tag">heading text</a></div> </div> The appearance can be changed by writing CSS for the various classes of C<div> elements. Redefine this function if larger changes are needed. The HTML fragment identifiers (e.g. C<#tag>) should be inserted as anchors in the text of the actual headings. This can be done by adjusting the C<$Text::WikiCreole::chunks{"h1"}->{filter}> callback for the relevant heading levels. For example: sub _creole_h_filter { # arg is text of header element &Text::WikiCreole::strip_head_eq; (my $tag = $_[0]) =~ tr/ /_/; my $top = '<a href="#top" class="top">^</a>&nbsp;'; $_[0] = "<a name=\"$tag\"></a>$top$_[0]"; } for (1..6) { $Text::WikiCreole::chunks{"h$_"}->{filter} = \&_creole_h_filter; } =cut sub toc_format { my ($toc, $options) = @_; my $maxlevels = $options->{levels} || 3; my $title = '<div id="toctitle">' . ($options->{title} || 'Table of Contents') . "</div>\n"; my $html = ''; $html .= '<div class="tocbox">'; $html .= $title; for my $heading (@$toc) { my $level = $heading->[0]; next if $level > $maxlevels; my $text = $heading->[1]; my $indent = '&nbsp;' x ($level * 2); (my $tag = $text) =~ s/ /_/g; $html .= '<div class="tocline">' . $indent . '<a href="#' . $tag . '">' . $text . '</a>' . "</div>\n"; } $html .= "</div>\n\n"; } #======================================================================= =head2 creole_get_image_references Scan a Creole page for references to images. $images = creole_get_image_references($text); This function returns a reference to a list of the names of image files that appear on the page. The list contains the filenames in the order that they occur on the page and will contain the same name multiple times if the image occurs more than once on the page. The argument is the content from a Creole wiki page. =cut sub creole_get_image_references { my ($text) = @_; my @images = $text =~ /\{\{\s*([^\{][^\n]*?)\}\}/g; return unless @images; for my $image (@images) { $image =~ s/\s*\|.*//; } return \@images; } #======================================================================= 1; __END__ =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2011 Dave Howorth C<< <> >> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself or under the terms of the GPL. # vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0: