Subject: | Blank TPOS causes disk_alphanum to return '`' |
If TPOS is defined but blank, audio_rename emits
Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric le (<=) at
/usr/share/perl5/MP3/ line 586.
Further, disk_alphanum returns '`', since that is the result of
chr(ord('a') - 1 + $r1)
when $r1 eq ''. This affects the filename of the file being processed.
While it may be (?) that any program that writes a blank TPOS entry may
be buggy itself, it would be nice if audio_rename handled this situation
gracefully. Perhaps the following would work? It is untested as I'm not
savvy enough to force a program to use a local library over a system
diff --git a/lib/MP3/ b/lib/MP3/
index 87b4365..3cfebe1 100755
--- a/lib/MP3/
+++ b/lib/MP3/
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ sub disk2 ($) {
sub disk_alphanum ($) {
my $self = shift;
my $r = $self->select_id3v2_frame('TPOS');
- return '' unless defined $r;
+ return '' unless defined $r && $r =~ /\d/;
(my $r1 = $r) =~ s(/.*)()s;
$r = $r1 unless $r =~ s(^.*?/)()s; # max(disk2, disk1)
return chr(ord('a') - 1 + $r1) if $r <= 26;