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This queue is for tickets about the Triggermail CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 72490
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Triggermail

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: steve [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Complex URL parameters in Triggermail
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:19:16 -0500
To: bug-Triggermail [...]
From: Stephen Miketa <steve [...]>
Sam - I recently had a client come to us for support of your Triggermail Perl module, and she had a problem while trying to submit complex variables in the vars array. She would make the appropriate call and then receive Perl errors but no email. Example: my $tr_mail = Triggermail->new('api_key', 'secret'); my %vars = ( charges => ["2", "3", "4", "5"] ); $tr_mail->send('receipt', '', \%vars); I believe the problem had to do with generating appropriate URL parameter arrays. In version 1.003, when complex data is submitted, the _flatten_hash subroutine creates a hash - which goes directly into the _httpRequest function as the following: 'sig' => '4b1e4f5ff391ffcebc31b2ac1eefb4cf', 'email' => '', 'format' => 'json', 'template' => 'TestTemplate', 'api_key' => 'supersecretapikey', 'vars[charges]' => [ '2', '3', '4', '5' ] When the data is POST'ed to the API, the vars[charges] value is treated as a string instead of an array as it should. The parameters should be set as the following so our API can interpret them as an array: 'vars[charges][1]' => '3', 'api_key' => 'supersecretapikey', 'email' => '', 'template' => 'TestTemplate', 'vars[charges][0]' => '2', 'vars[charges][3]' => '5', 'vars[charges][2]' => '4' I worked with the client to resolve the issue and developed a patch for the module. Would you please review and update the module so that others don't have the same problem? Please let me know if you have any questions. (Please forgive any funkiness in my code, I haven't written Perl in years! ) Patch Below: ===================: ##################################################### # Begin array Flattening patch. Enhancing _flatten_hash # to create appropriate URL parameter arrays # # Begin Patch: 2011-11-15 ##################################################### sub _flatten_hash { validate_pos( @_, { type => HASHREF }, { type => SCALAR }, { type => HASHREF }, { type => HASHREF }, ); my ( $self, $name, $nested_hash, $mother_hash ) = @_; my @parents; $self->_flatten_hash_routine( $nested_hash, $mother_hash, \@parents); print Dumper($mother_hash); } sub _flatten_hash_routine { validate_pos( @_, { type => HASHREF }, { type => HASHREF }, { type => HASHREF }, { type => ARRAYREF } ); my ($self, $unflattened, $flattened, $parents) = @_; while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$unflattened)) { push (@$parents, $key); my $type_name = ref($value); if ($type_name eq "HASH") { $self->_flatten_hash_routine($value, $flattened, $parents); } elsif ($type_name eq "ARRAY") { my $parent_idx = 0; foreach (@$value) { my $array_val = $_; push (@$parents, $parent_idx++); my $array_idx = $self->_build_url_idx($parents); $flattened->{$array_idx} = $array_val; pop(@$parents); } } else { my $array_idx = $self->_build_url_idx($parents); $flattened->{$array_idx} = $value; } pop (@$parents); } } sub _build_url_idx { validate_pos( @_, { type => HASHREF }, { type => ARRAYREF } ); my ($self, $dimension) = @_; return 'vars[' . join('][', @$dimension ) . ']'; } ##################################################### # End Patch: 2011-11-15 ##################################################### =================== -- *Stephen Miketa | Developer | Sailthru, Inc.* Email. Phone. 724.816.1850

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