Subject: | Exotic directory structure |
Normally the CGI directory would be below the "lib" directory. This
exotic directory causes problems in packaging for distributions. The
attached patch fixes it but really fixing the directory structure would
be preferable.
Subject: | dir_layout.patch |
Author: Nicholas Bamber <>
Subject: exotic layout confuses Build.PL
Last-Update: 2011-11-06
Forwarded: no
--- a/Build.PL
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
"CGI::Application::Plugin::Session" => 1.01,
"Digest::SHA" => 0,
+ pm_files => {
+ 'CGI/Application/Plugin/' =>
+ 'lib/CGI/Application/Plugin/',
+ },
add_to_cleanup => [ 'CGI-Application-Plugin-ProtectCSRF-*' ],