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This queue is for tickets about the VUser-Google-Api CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 72306
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: VUser-Google-Api

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: pawel [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: cpan modules does not cooperate in CentOS release 5.7
You use in your module V2.0pm use LWP::UserAgent qw(:strict); use HTTP::Request qw(:strict); while those two does not work with tags ":script" when trying to load those modules together: use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load]; use Text::CSV; use LWP::UserAgent qw(:strict); use HTTP::Request qw(:strict); The error occurs only under CentOS release 5.7 and says: "strict" is not defined in %LWP::UserAgent::EXPORT_TAGS at ./ line 38 main::BEGIN() called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/LWP/ line 38 eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/LWP/ line 38 Can't continue after import errors at ./ line 38