Subject: | function validaddr accepted invalid IP |
Perl version: v5.8.8
OS: Solaris (SunOS ncl1 5.10 Generic_144489-09 i86pc i386 i86pc)
I have a function that asks the user to input an IP string for example: and validate it using "validaddr" if the input is:
or there is no problem the error returns correctly meaning I
get 0 and not 1 as RC
but for some reason: 1.1.1.x or a.a.a.a passes with no problem
recommendation to add check if each of the number passes the following test:
if ($number =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) {} else {print "\tparameter isn't a number\n";
this is an extract from the user wizard:
How many UPS's will be connected to the Storage system? 1/2 [2]:
Enter IP address for UPS1: bbb.999.1.1
Invalid IP
Enter IP address for UPS1: a.a.a.a
Enter IP address for UPS2: 1.1.1.x
this is the relevant section of code for IP validation:
${upsA} = &prompt("\tHow many UPS's will be connected to the Storage
system? 1/2 ", "2");
if ($upsA eq 1) {
print "\tUPS IP's can report via Management or Client networks\n";
$upsIP = &prompt("\tEnter IP address for UPS1");
if ((validaddr$upsIP) eq 1) {
`cat $prmtmpfile | sed -e 's/<ups1S1>/$upsIP/g' >
`cp $finalparamfile $prmtmpfile`;
} else {
print "\tInvalid IP\n";
goto UPS_A_IP;