Subject: | When used with Selenium IE Driver (64-bit), this module crashes |
I'm trying to implement Selenium IE Driver bindings in Perl. This module
works fine under 32-bit mode but in 64-bit mode it crashes with the 64-
bit IE dll.
My environment:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Perl: ActivePerl 64-bit v5.10
Win32::API v0.64
Selenium IE Driver DLL:
Here are the steps to reproduce:
1) Download the IEDriver.dll from the link above.
2) Use this script to start a simple IE Driver server:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::API;
my $start = Win32::API->new('IEDriver.dll', 'StartServer', 'I', 'P',
my $server = $start->Call(4444);
BTW, this same script on a 32-bit Windows with Perl (32-bit) &
Win32::API works as expected. The crash happens only in Perl 64-bit on
Windows 7.