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This queue is for tickets about the Gedcom CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 71826
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Gedcom

Owner: PJCJ [...]
Requestors: spam [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 1.16
Fixed in: (no value)

new() with filename and gedcome version throws "Can't parse" error. See attached script.
Forgot to attach the script.
#!/usr/bin/perl use Gedcom; my $gedcom_file = '/home/erin/gendocs/espiceland.ged'; my $new_gedcom_file = '/home/erin/gendocs/espiceland_new.ged'; my $ged = Gedcom->new(grammar_version => 5.5, gedcom_file => $gedcom_file, read_only => 1, callback => $cb);
Here's the first bit of the GEDCOM: 0 HEAD 1 SOUR 2 VERS 1.0 1 DATE 20 OCT 2011 2 TIME 06:44:17 1 SUBM @S0@ 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 CHAR UTF-8 0 @I6000000003481609769@ INDI 1 NAME - - /-/ 2 GIVN - - 2 SURN - 1 SEX F
Subject: "Can't parse" error
Thanks very much for this report. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the problem. The program you provided seems to be only a part of what you used but, in any case, I have no problem loading the snippet of the GEDCOM file you provided. Could you perhaps provide more information? The exact error message you got would be very helpful. Also, perhaps, the OS you are using and an upload of (part of) the GEDCOM file. Thanks again,
I'm going to make an educated guess at the nature of this problem. The GEDCOM snippet claims that it is in UTF-8. My suspicion is that the file has a BOM and that this is what was causing the error. The just released 1.17 should fix this problem. So I am going to close this ticket but, if my guess is incorrect and there is still a problem with 1.17, please reopen it with more information. Thanks again for the report.