Thank you for your good module.
Currently, however, list() method doesn't work well.
I guess that Twitpic has changed their output format.
I modify your code from:
has _list_scraper => (
is => q/ro/,
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
scraper {
process 'div.profile-photo-img>a' => 'id[]' => '@href';
process 'div.profile-photo-img>a>img' => 'thumb[]' => '@src';
process 'div.profile-photo-message>div>p' => 'message[]' => 'TEXT';
process 'div.user-photo>a' => 'id[]' => '@href';
process 'div.user-photo>a>img' => 'thumb[]' => '@src';
process 'div.user-tweet>p.' => 'message[]' => 'TEXT';
And it seems to work. (But I'm not sure this is correct change)
I'm so sorry that I'm not good at English.
G.Y.Park from South Korea