Tue Sep 20 17:33:04 2011d.thomas [...] its.uq.edu.au - Ticket created
empty META.yml
this also explains 47056
[ERROR] Could not read /root/.cpanplus/5.10.0/build/WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.11/META.yml
rated as important as it can prevent builds
Mon Aug 13 21:38:34 2018zakame [...] cpan.org - Correspondence added
This is still a problem in the latest WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.13 release (2018-07-16) as the META.yml in the distribution is still empty.
I'm not sure how Peter is generating the distribution, but a simple `make dist` should already generate the release tarball along with the META.* files, provided that the CPAN::Meta module is installed on the host machine.[1]
[1]: https://metacpan.org/pod/ExtUtils::MakeMaker#Module-Meta-Data-(META-and-MYMETA
I've attached META.* files here from a local `make distdir` of 0.13 for reference.