Subject: | file_mode() is broken |
1) file_mode() doesn't recognize when the set-user-ID bit (file mode bit
04000), set-group-ID bit (file mode bit 02000), or sticky bit (file mode
bit 01000) is set. For instance, the following
perl -MFile::Listing -we 'printf "%05o", 07777 &
File::Listing::file_mode(shift)' -- -rwsrwsrwt
prints "00776", but should print "07777".
(The reason for the bug is that the file type character is stripped off
with the line "s/^(.)// and $type = $1;", so the later code, "$mode |=
0004000 if /^..s....../i; ..." will never match.)
2) The output above also reveals another bug, that file_mode() doesn't
handle the least significant bit (file mode bit 00001) properly, since
it returns "...76", not "...77".
3) When the set-group-ID bit (file mode bit 02000) is set, and the
group execution bit (file mode bit 00020) is unset, and it is a regular
file, some implementations of "ls" use the letter "S", others use "l" or
"L". For instance, the mode "07767" might be reported as "rwsrwlrwx",
"rwsrwSrwx", or "rwsrwLrwx". file_mode() doesn't handle the variants
using "l" or "L".
4) file_mode() only knows about directories, symlinks, and regular
files. It would be nice if it also knew about fifos (pipes) etc.
I have attached a patch and four test files, testing all 4096 possible
permission modes (00000 .. 07777) given by for 4 different
implementations of "ls". Not all implementations of "ls" map the 4096
unique input values to 4096 unique strings, though.
Subject: | |
--- lib/File/ 2011-03-20 12:42:00.000000000 +0100
+++ lib/File/ 2011-09-18 13:00:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -35,30 +35,47 @@
sub file_mode ($)
+ Carp::croak("Input to file_mode() must be a 10 character string.")
+ unless length($_[0]) == 10;
# This routine was originally borrowed from Graham Barr's
# Net::FTP package.
local $_ = shift;
my $mode = 0;
- my($type,$ch);
+ my($type);
s/^(.)// and $type = $1;
+ # When the set-group-ID bit (file mode bit 02000) is set, and the group
+ # execution bit (file mode bit 00020) is unset, and it is a regular file,
+ # some implementations of `ls' use the letter `S', others use `l' or `L'.
+ # Convert this `S'.
+ s/[Ll](...)$/S$1/;
while (/(.)/g) {
$mode <<= 1;
$mode |= 1 if $1 ne "-" &&
$1 ne 'S' &&
- $1 ne 't' &&
$1 ne 'T';
- $type eq "d" and $mode |= 0040000 or # Directory
- $type eq "l" and $mode |= 0120000 or # Symbolic Link
- $mode |= 0100000; # Regular File
- $mode |= 0004000 if /^...s....../i;
- $mode |= 0002000 if /^......s.../i;
- $mode |= 0001000 if /^.........t/i;
+ $mode |= 0004000 if /^..s....../i;
+ $mode |= 0002000 if /^.....s.../i;
+ $mode |= 0001000 if /^........t/i;
+ # De facto standard definitions. From 'stat.h' on Solaris 9.
+ $type eq "p" and $mode |= 0010000 or # fifo
+ $type eq "c" and $mode |= 0020000 or # character special
+ $type eq "d" and $mode |= 0040000 or # directory
+ $type eq "b" and $mode |= 0060000 or # block special
+ $type eq "-" and $mode |= 0100000 or # regular
+ $type eq "l" and $mode |= 0120000 or # symbolic link
+ $type eq "s" and $mode |= 0140000 or # socket
+ $type eq "D" and $mode |= 0150000 or # door
+ Carp::croak("Unknown file type: $type");
Subject: | perm3.t |
Message body is not shown because it is too large.
Subject: | perm4.t |
Message body is not shown because it is too large.
Subject: | perm2.t |
Message body is not shown because it is too large.
Subject: | perm1.t |
Message body is not shown because it is too large.