Subject: | Attribute parameterized trait cache warning |
MooseX::Role::Parameterized's t/016-trait.t tickles this warning, but
it's also pretty easy to reproduce outside of MXRP:
$ perl -MCarp::Always -MMoose -E 'package R; use Moose::Role; package C;
use Moose; has attr => (is => "ro", traits => [R => { foo => 1 }])'
Roles with parameters cannot be cached. Consider applying the parameters
before calling create_anon_class, or using 'weaken => 0' instead at
line 145
'roles', 'ARRAY(0x100b75ca8)', 'weaken', '', 'superclasses',
'ARRAY(0x100b78210)') called at
line 109
'superclasses', 'ARRAY(0x100b78210)', 'roles', 'ARRAY(0x100b75ca8)',
'cache', 1) called at
line 473
'superclasses', 'ARRAY(0x100b78210)', 'roles', 'ARRAY(0x100b75ca8)',
'cache', 1) called at
line 155
'HASH(0x100a85ed8)') called at
line 112
'attr', 'definition_context', 'HASH(0x100985db8)', 'is', 'ro', 'traits',
'ARRAY(0x100827360)') called at
line 704
'attr', 'definition_context', 'HASH(0x100985db8)', 'is', 'ro', 'traits',
'ARRAY(0x100827360)') called at
line 697
'attr', 'definition_context', 'HASH(0x100985db8)', 'is', 'ro', 'traits',
'ARRAY(0x100827360)') called at
line 566
Moose::Meta::Class::add_attribute('Moose::Meta::Class=HASH(0x100b6d720)', 'attr',
'definition_context', 'HASH(0x100985db8)', 'is', 'ro', 'traits',
'ARRAY(0x100827360)') called at
line 77
Moose::has('Moose::Meta::Class=HASH(0x100b6d720)', 'attr', 'is',
'ro', 'traits', 'ARRAY(0x100827360)') called at
line 356
Moose::has('attr', 'is', 'ro', 'traits', 'ARRAY(0x100827360)')
called at -e line 1
From IRC:
<sartak> MooseX::Role::Parameterized's tests are exposing this weird
warning caused by how attribute metaobjects + traits are created
<sartak> that's with Moose master
<sartak> I'm thinking Moose::Meta::Attribute's interpolate_class needs
to be a little smarter
<doy> yeah, probably
<doy> feel free to fix that too(:
<confound> doy r helpful
<sartak> to be fair I'm probably now the expert on interpolate_class
just from being the only one to have looked at its code recently
<doy> just find where those traits are being applied and don't pass
cache => 1 if there are parameters in there other than -alias or -excludes
<sartak> right
<sartak> damnit. turns out it's not that simple since the method returns
the class name. so the un-cached anonymous class metaobject goes out of
scope pretty quickly
<sartak> I'll file a bug and move on since it's just a warning . . .
<sartak> I'll file a bug and move on and feel bad about it