Subject: | Span-First char |
It seems that the first character of a paragraph could not be set by the
following span statement :
my $fou= "a1234567890\nb1234567890\nc1234567890\nd1234567890\n" ;
my $p5=odf_paragraph->create(text=>$fou) ;
$lpod->get_body->append_element($p5) ;
$p5->set_span(offset=>$_,length=>1,style=>"gras") for (0..length($fou));
To be a little bit clearer : span didn't work with $offset=0 ;
$p5->set_span(filter=>'a',style=>"gras") ;
I want just add these comments, maybe for a little bit more accurate
documentation :
1/ when using $p->set_text(...) the style in use is always applied
instead of $p->set_span(...) that reset the style of others elements not
changed by the filter.
2/ in multiline string Perl counts all the characters including EOL but
ODF-lpOD when using "position" skips them.