I suppose you found the same doc as me :
Anyone else speaking about JPS say they are just 2 jpeg side by side. So I
wouldn't worry to much about the unknown data, as long as it is kept in the
edited file just in case.
I can ask LG who is the manufacturer for my phone (from which the photo
comes) about it if you wish.
I also found this website :
that explain that verx products add an extra chunk of data to jps files that
is not to be seen in usual other jps files, but that is requiered by verx
product to open the file, could it be the data you are speaking about?
2011/8/3 Phil Harvey via RT <bug-Image-ExifTool@rt.cpan.org>
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=69910 >
> The only JPS documentation I can find is for a 1997
> VRex JPS format, which I don't think is applicable
> here. The JPS file you sent is basically a standard JPEG
> image with the stereo pair encoded side-by-side in
> the main image, and ExifTool will extract all metadata as a
> standard JPEG. The only unknown data is a 1692-byte
> trailer, but I am not convinced that this contains any
> stereoscopic information.
> The Wikipedia JPEG_Stereo article has been deleted as of
> April, so I can't get any information there.
> If you know of a reference to the JPS format, please let
> me know.
> - Phil