Subject: | New 'formatnum' function (with patch) |
Thought this would be a useful one to add to the mix. Also have a
quicker method for repeat.
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# remove leading/trailing whitespace
$val = trim($val);
+ # add thousands separators to numbers
+ $val = formatnum($val);
+ $val = formatnum($val, '%.3f');
# ensure defined value
$val = define($val);
*** 101,107 ****
push @EXPORT_OK, qw[
crunch htmlesc trim define repeat
unquote no_space fullchomp randcrypt
! jsquote cellfill
# the following functions return true or false based on their input
--- 105,111 ----
push @EXPORT_OK, qw[
crunch htmlesc trim define repeat
unquote no_space fullchomp randcrypt
! jsquote cellfill formatnum
# the following functions return true or false based on their input
*** 291,296 ****
--- 295,334 ----
+ # formatnum
+ #
+ =head2 formatnum(string, sprintf_format)
+ Adds commas to a number. Will also optionally format the number with
+ before adding the commas. If commas aren't your thing from that part
of the
+ world, you can set $String::Util::TCHAR with a single character to
+ the thousands separator.
+ =cut
+ our $TCHAR = ',';
+ sub formatnum {
+ my ($num, $format) = @_;
+ $num = sprintf($format, $num) if ($format);
+ $tchar = substr($tchar, 0, 1) || ',';
+ # remove potential decimal points out of reformatting
+ my $post = '';
+ ($num, $post) = ($1, $2) if ($num =~ /^(.*?\d)(\D.*)$/);
+ $num = reverse($num); # this actually works better in reverse
+ $num =~ s/(\d{3})(?=\d)/$1.$tchar/ge;
+ return reverse($num).$post;
+ }
+ #
+ # formatnum
# cellfill
*** 431,442 ****
sub repeat {
my ($val, $count) = @_;
! my $rv = '';
! foreach (1..$count)
! { $rv .= $val }
! return $rv;
# repeat
--- 469,475 ----
sub repeat {
my ($val, $count) = @_;
! return ($val x int($count));
# repeat