Subject: | One time Context->compile with repeated Script->exec does not work |
I'm trying to do a compile once / exec repeatedly pattern as described
in JavaScript::Context->compile documentation. The first exec execution
works, but subsequent exec executions return garbage or abort. I have
attached a simple test file showing this. On my system it displays this
Javascript version: 'JavaScript-C 1.7.0 2007-10-03'
First, with a single compile and reused script object:
0) Successful result of JavaScript = 'Hello world!'
1) Successful result of JavaScript = ''
2) Successful result of JavaScript = ''
3) Successful result of JavaScript = ''
4) Successful result of JavaScript = ''
Now, compiling every time for a new script object:
0) Successful result of JavaScript = 'Hello world!'
1) Successful result of JavaScript = 'Hello world!'
2) Successful result of JavaScript = 'Hello world!'
3) Successful result of JavaScript = 'Hello world!'
4) Successful result of JavaScript = 'Hello world!'
I should get a "Hello world!" in every result, but when I try to reuse
the script object in this case, I get nothing.
I am running Debian 2.6.32-5-amd64 with Perl v5.10.1 (*) built for
x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi. You can see the SpiderMonkey version is
1.7. Maybe I should use a different version of SpiderMonkey?
Thanks for a great module!
Subject: | |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use JavaScript;
print "Javascript version: '" . JavaScript->get_engine_version . "'\n";
my $rt = JavaScript::Runtime->new();
my $cx = $rt->create_context();
my $compiled_script = $cx->compile('x = "Hello world!";');
if ($@)
die "JavaScript error: $@";
print "First, with a single compile and reused script object:\n";
for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++)
print "$i) Successful result of JavaScript = '" . $compiled_script->exec . "'\n";
print "Now, compiling every time for a new script object:\n";
for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++)
my $compiled_script = $cx->compile('x = "Hello world!";');
print "$i) Successful result of JavaScript = '" . $compiled_script->exec . "'\n";