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This queue is for tickets about the Pugs-Compiler-Rule CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 69816
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Pugs-Compiler-Rule

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: ppisar [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: 0.37
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: t/08-hash.t fails when compiling nested rules for 8th test
Tests in 0.37 version compiled with perl 5.14.1 do not pass: $ prove --blib -v t/08-hash.t t/08-hash.t .. 1..8 ok 1 - use Pugs::Compiler::Rule; ok 2 - Matched hash{iff} ok 3 - fail hash{if} - value != 1 ok 4 - closure not called yet ok 5 - closure was called hash{use} ok 6 - subrule hash{until} ok 7 - subrule hash{until} - 2 Error in evaluation: Couldn't find '%test' in surrounding lexical scope. at /home/test/fedora/perl-Pugs-Compiler-Rule/Pugs-Compiler-Rule-0.37/blib/lib/Pugs/Compiler/ line 132 Source: do { package Pugs::Runtime::Regex; my $matcher = concat( constant( q!x! ) , constant( q!x! ) , hash( get_variable( '%test' ) ) , constant( q!y! ) , constant( q!y! ) ) ; my $rule; $rule = sub { my $tree; if ( defined $_[3]{p} && ! $_[3]{continue} ) { $matcher->( $_[1], $_[2], $tree, $tree, $_[0], $_[3]{p}, $_[1], $_[3] ); } else { $_[3]{p} ||= 0; for my $pos ( $_[3]{p} .. length( $_[1] ) ) { my $param = { %{$_[3]}, p => $pos }; $matcher->( $_[1], $_[2], $tree, $tree, $_[0], $pos, $_[1], $param ); last if $tree; } $tree = Pugs::Grammar::Base->no_match(@_) unless defined $tree; } my $cap = $tree->data->{capture}; if ( ref $cap eq 'CODE' ) { $::_V6_MATCH_ = $tree; $tree->data->{capture} = \($cap->( $tree )); }; if ( $tree ) { # $::_V6_PRIOR_ = $rule my $prior = $::_V6_PRIOR_; $::_V6_PRIOR_ = sub { local $main::_V6_PRIOR_ = $prior; $rule->(@_); }; } return $tree; } } # Looks like you planned 8 tests but ran 7. # Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 7. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 1/8 subtests This is caused by recursive reference at t/08-hash.t:51: my %test = ( rule1 => Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('xx %test yy'), rule2 => Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('abc'), );