Subject: | Possible typo in Manual::Intro |
Unless secure_results() simply isn't implemented yet. In which case I'd be happy to add it if you'd
Subject: | doc_typo2.patch.txt |
diff --git a/lib/Chloro/Manual/Intro.pod b/lib/Chloro/Manual/Intro.pod
index a0cd04d..5dbafbe 100644
--- a/lib/Chloro/Manual/Intro.pod
+++ b/lib/Chloro/Manual/Intro.pod
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ submission is not valid.
=item * secure
If a field is marked as secure, then it is excluded from the data returned by
-the L<Chloro::ResultSet> class's C<secure_results()> method.
+the L<Chloro::ResultSet> class's C<secure_results_as_hash()> method.
The primary use of this is to avoid putting sensitive data like passwords or
credit cards numbers in a session or query parameter.