Subject: | Wx::App->new should warn/carp if called more than once |
Like this
$ perl -Mblib -MWx -le " Wx::SimpleApp->new for 1 .. 6 "
Wx::App->new called more than once, returning reference to existing app,
there can only be one wxApp at -e line 1
Wx::App->new called more than once, returning reference to existing app,
there can only be one wxApp at -e line 1
Wx::App->new called more than once, returning reference to existing app,
there can only be one wxApp at -e line 1
Wx::App->new called more than once, returning reference to existing app,
there can only be one wxApp at -e line 1
Wx::App->new called more than once, returning reference to existing app,
there can only be one wxApp at -e line 1
Its a simple edit to lib/Wx/
$this = $Wx::wxTheApp;
Carp::carp("Wx::App->new called more than once, returning reference
to existing app, there can only be one wxApp");