Subject: | Module::ScanDeps 0.45 - ".pmc |
Since -f Bytecode isn't working. [ Did I say that out loud? ;-)] I am using B::Bytecode to "pre-compile" a module (.pm) into a .pmc (e.g. "perl -MO=Bytecode,-b,-H,-s,-oModule.pmc"). But, only finds and pp doesn't pack Module.pmc.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From require.html on perldoc -=-=-=-=-=-
Before require looks for a ".pm" extension, it will first look for a filename with a ".pmc" extension. A file with this extension is assumed to be Perl bytecode generated by B::Bytecode. If this file is found, and it's modification time is newer than a coinciding ".pm" non-compiled file, it will be loaded in place of that non-compiled file ending in a ".pm" extension.