Subject: | check_jmx4perl memory_pool_base check give CRITICAL stats when WARNING threshold exceeded |
With the following MultiCheck definitions, the memory_pool_base check
for PS Old Gen returns critical when only the warning threshold is exceeded.
CRITICAL - 1 of 24 failed: ,
[15] CRITICAL memory_pool_base: PS Old Gen : 97.78% used (1.30 GB / 1.33
Since the critical threshold is 99, and the warning threshold is 95,
this error should be a WARNING, not CRITICAL
<MultiCheck neomon_bss>
MultiCheck = neomon_jms_queues_bss
MultiCheck = neomon_common
# Common checks for all servers
<MultiCheck neomon_common>
MultiCheck = neomon_memory
MultiCheck = neomon_threads
MultiCheck = neomon_connection_pools
# Memory checks for all servers
<MultiCheck neomon_memory>
Check = memory_heap(98,95)
MultiCheck = neomon_memory_pools_parallel
MultiCheck = memory_gc_count_parallel
MultiCheck = memory_gc_time_parallel
<MultiCheck neomon_memory_pools_parallel>
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Eden Space",100,100)
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Survivor Space",100,100)
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Old Gen",99,95)
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Perm Gen")
# Thread checks for all servers
<MultiCheck neomon_threads>
Check = thread_inc(~:60,~:30)
Check = thread_count
Check = thread_deadlock
<MultiCheck neomon_connection_pools>
Check = jboss_cpool_available("DefaultDS")
Perl version: 5.10.0
SuSE 11.1
uname -a
Linux mrldev312 #1 SMP 2010-10-29 16:39:49 +0200
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux