Subject: | Incorrect links generated in HTMLified POD |
hrefs point too far up the path hierarchy (too many ../../).
For example, if in the POD for Foo::Bar1 a link is specified for Foo::Bar2
see also L<Foo::Bar2>
this should result in
<a href="../Foo/Bar2">
but M:B generates
<a href="../../../FooBar2">
My first guess is that the following change is needed in htmlify_pods in
- my $path2root = join( '/', ('..') x (@rootdirs+@dirs) );
+ my $path2root = join( '/', ('..') x (@dirs) );
Problem experienced using
M:B 0.38
Perl 5.10.1
Debian 6.0.1 (squeeze)
Link generation appeared to be correct in M:B 0.3607