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This queue is for tickets about the JSON-YAJL CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 67406
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: walter [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 0.03
Fixed in: (no value)

There seems to be an issue with precision for the double type: 1.23 vs. 1.2299999999999999822 - both the tests at line 10 & 16 in simple.t fail in the same way. I'm not sure if this is strict a Windows / Strawberry issue or not. I've included the build.log file for further detail. Here's my config. If you need some help testing or more info for the troubleshooting effort, let me know and I'll try and provide. Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 12 subversion 1) configuration: Platform: osname=MSWin32, osvers=6.1, archname=MSWin32-x64-multi-thread uname='Win32 testperl #1 Thu May 27 19:22:51 2010 x64' config_args='undef' hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=undef useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef use64bitint=define, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='gcc', ccflags =' -s -O2 -DWIN32 -DHAVE_DES_FCRYPT -DWIN64 - DCONSERVATIVE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -fno- strict-al iasing -mms-bitfields -DPERL_MSVCRT_READFIX', optimize='-s -O2', cppflags='-DWIN32' ccversion='', gccversion='4.4.3', gccosandvers='' intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12 ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='long long', lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='g++', ldflags ='-s -L"C:\strawberry\perl\lib\CORE" - L"C:\strawberry\c\li b"' libpth=C:\strawberry\c\lib C:\strawberry\c\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib libs=-lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 - ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr -lwinmm - lversion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32 perllibs=-lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool - lcomdlg32 -ladva pi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr - lwinmm -lver sion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32 libc=, so=dll, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl512.a gnulibc_version='' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_win32.xs, dlext=dll, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' ' cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-mdll -s -L"C:\strawberry\perl\lib\CORE" -L"C:\st rawberry\c\lib"' Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): Compile-time options: MULTIPLICITY PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS PERL_MALLOC_WRAP PL_OP_SLAB_ALLOC USE_64_BIT_INT USE_ITHREADS USE_LARGE_FILES USE_PERLIO USE_PERL_ATOF USE_SITECUSTOMIZE Built under MSWin32 Compiled at May 27 2010 19:31:04 @INC: C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/strawberry/perl/lib .
Subject: build.log
cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.4004 on perl 5.012001 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread Work directory is C:\Users\walter/.cpanm/work/1302616744.13316 You have make C:\strawberry\c\bin\dmake.exe You have LWP 6.02 You have "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\tar.exe", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\gzip.exe" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\bzip2.exe"
Thanks for reporting this bug. Seeing as I can't test with a floating point number in a cross-platform way, the next release will test with 4. Cheers, Leon.
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