Subject: | CSRF protection in AJAX. |
Hi, Yuki. I like your plugin. And it will be great also to have
protection in ajax for 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE' methods like in Ruby on
For example, you can add helper like <% =csrf_protection_for_jquery_ajax
%> which will insert some code like this(I have not tested it):
From rails.js:
// Make sure that every Ajax request sends the CSRF token
function CSRFProtection(xhr) {
var token = $('meta[name="csrf-
if (token) xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token);
if ('ajaxPrefilter' in $) $.ajaxPrefilter(function(options,
originalOptions, xhr){ CSRFProtection(xhr) });
else $(document).ajaxSend(function(e, xhr){ CSRFProtection(xhr)
Or this (found in Internet):
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-