Subject: | addLicencePage() - progress without accepting the license |
The documentation of Tk::Wizard::Installer states:
"The user cannot progress until the former option has been chosen."
However, the user is able to proceed without even selection any option.
Please find attached the code reproducing the problem. I am able to
reach the second page without accepting the license.
Some more info:
OS: Win 7 x64
Perl: strawberry perl 5, version 12, subversion 2 (v5.12.2) built for
Tk: 804.028503
HTH, Alex
Subject: | |
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use Tk::Wizard::Installer;
my $path_to_licence_text = $Bin . '/license.txt';
my $wizard = Tk::Wizard::Installer->new( -title => "Installer Test", );
$wizard->configure( -style => 'top' );
$wizard->addLicencePage( -filepath => $path_to_licence_text );
sub {
return $wizard->blank_frame(
-title => "Page Title",
-subtitle => "Sub-title",
-text => "Some text.",
#-wait => $milliseconds_b4_proceeding_anyway,
sub { $wizard->blank_frame(@_) },
-preNextButtonAction => sub { warn "My -preNextButtonAction called here" },
-postNextButtonAction => sub { warn "My -postNextButtonAction called here" },